Answered By: Judi Moreno MLS, CAS Literacy Ed.
Last Updated: Oct 03, 2023     Views: 463

Current CMCC students can print

  1. Purchase a one time use printpapercut icon card.  Print cards cost $5 for 100 pages.
    Note: You can buy them in the Student Financial Services Office or Central Services (cash and charge).

    Print Card for Papercut
  2. Redeem the code on the print card in PaperCut. 
    1. PaperCut is installed on publicly available CMCC campus machines, or you can click on the "Wireless Printing" link on the top of the Learning Commons home page. 

      Paper Cut 21.2 Login Screen example

    2. Login using your Student ID Number and CM Connect password.
    3. Click on the "Redeem Card" option on the left hand menu, and enter the pin number as written (including the letters and hyphens).
      note: you will see a green checkbox above once you have entered it correctly
  3. If printing from your own computer (wirelessly) 
    1. Click on the "Web Print" tab on the left hand menu on the PaperCut screen.
    2. Submit a job
    3. Choose the number of copies - click the Upload button.
    4. Click on the button in the box to browse your device for file you want to print, or click and drag the file into the print box.
    5. Click on the green "upload & complete" button outside of the box.
    6. your print will be sent to the Learning Commons printer.
  4. If you are printing from a campus computer
    1. Open the item you want to print.
    2. Print as normal
    3. When the pop-up window appears enter you student number and password.
    4. The item will print to the local campus printer (the printer for the room you are in).

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