Answered By: Jim Allard, MLIS Learning Commons Librarian
Last Updated: Apr 15, 2022     Views: 68

There are different options depending on the kind of device you are using.

  1. For Windows computers (desktops / laptops / tablets / phones)
    1. You can click on the "join using web app" link and you will be brought to the video meeting with your tutor
    2. Or - You can download and install the Teams app - which is part of Office 365 (that you get free from the college) - and once it is installed you can join the meeting and be taken to your tutoring appointment. We suggest installing the app a day before your meeting so you are not late for your meeting.
  2. For Mac / iMac users (desktops / laptops / tablets / phones)
    1. Safari will not work with Teams, our meeting software, but Google Chrome will.  In Chrome you can click on the "Join using web app" link and you will be brought to the video meeting with your tutor.
    2. Or - You can download and install the Teams app - which is part of Office 365 (that you get free from the college) - and once it is installed you can join the meeting and be taken to your tutoring appointment. We suggest installing the app a day before your meeting so you are not late for your meeting.
  3. For ChromeBook users - ChromeBooks are not recommended for college work, but you can get Teams working
    1. You can use the "join using web app" link option - however you will not have the same options as windows or mac users. For example: you may not be able to share your screen which may be needed during tutoring.
    2. Or - You can download the Teams app from the play store.  Again you may find features missing that you need, but you will be able to join your meeting.

If you need any help getting into your tutoring meeting please contact the Learning Commons - 207-755-5218 /

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