Answered By: Jim Allard, MLIS Learning Commons Librarian
Last Updated: Jan 28, 2025Views: 5
Disappearing items in Cloud Library is a rather complicated issue to explain; so please be patient with our rather long answer.
The Maine InfoNet Cloud Library collection is actually a collection from many sources.
Source 1: the Maine InfoNet Collective – This is a state funded collection purchased by the Maine State Library. This collection is always visible to all users of Maine’s Cloud Library service. Cloud Library users can always check out the items, or place holds on items that are checked out.
Source 2: Home Library Collection – For us here this is a collection purchased by the CMCC Learning Commons. This collection is always visible to the CMCC community. CMCC community members can check them out, or place holds on checked out items at any time.
Source 3: Other Library Collection(s) – These are collections of e-books purchased by other libraries that are participating in the Maine Cloud Library program. If these items are checked out, or on hold by their libraries community members they will not be visible to anyone else. Holds can only be placed on these items by members of their library’s community. If the other libraries community members are not using an item in their collection, then the item now becomes visible to other Maine Cloud Library users so they can check it out.
What this all means is that those disappearing items are owned by other libraries, not Maine InfoNet or CMCC, and their library community is using them. These items will reappear when they are not being used by anyone. If you would like to check out one of these disappearing / reappearing Cloud Library items you will have to keep checking the app for their availability.
If you have any questions, please contact the Learning Commons staff.
If you did not find the answer you were looking for here; feel free to ask us a question. We will respond as soon as possible.
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